What to Expect at Child’s Teeth Cleaning Appointment?
Taking your child to the dentist for the first time? It’s okay to feel anxious. This is a crucial step for you and your child’s journey of oral hygiene.
Taking your child to the dentist for the first time? It’s okay to feel anxious. This is a crucial step for you and your child’s journey of oral hygiene. It is always better to have an idea of what to expect during children’s dental cleaning.
This will help you find the best dental care for your child, and also enable you to tackle your child’s anxiety in the first dental visit. Take a look at this blog to find out the right dentist for your child and also learn tips on their stress management.

What to consider before booking your children’s dental cleaning appointment?
Before scheduling an appointment of dental cleaning for your child, you must look into some essential aspects like:
- Reviews of former patients which give an idea of the staff efficiency and service quality in the clinic.
- If the practitioner is a paediatric dentist, you can rest assure that your kid is in safe hands; as paediatric dentists have special training on child’s oral health.
- The professional experience of your dentist as it largely determines his/her individual work quality and expertise in handling mild to severe dental issues.
- The service you are looking for is available in our partner clinics.
Steps to Professional Dental Cleaning for Kids
When it comes to the first professional dental cleaning for your child, preparing them is essential. This requires informing them about different steps involved in dental cleaning. Following is a guide on children’s dental cleaning, highlighting every step:
- Scanning with X-rays
For dental cleaning, the dentist may first scan your teeth with the help of X-rays. The X-ray images help detect several dental issues which the dentist cannot find with the naked eye. For example, digital X-rays help reveal tooth movements, decays or even bone loss.
- Examining your mouth
Professional examination of your child’s mouth and teeth is a crucial part of children’s dentistry. The dentist must carefully check the gums, teeth and the entire mouth for any signs of decays or developing oral disease.
The paediatric dentist might also enquire if your kid has been experiencing any kind of tooth sensitivity in the recent few days. You should also inform the practitioner about any other concerns or dark spots occurring on your child’s teeth.
- Removing tartar and plaque deposits
Next starts the actual process of dental cleaning. Here the dentist removes any kind of tartar or plaque build-up on your teeth. Professional paediatric dentists in UK use a handheld tool called scaler for this purpose.
This tool and a mirror are used together to remove your deposits of plaque and tartar. In case of large deposits of tartar, the dentist might use an ultrasonic scaler to remove them with the action of vibration and water.
- Polishing your teeth
Next, your child can get smooth and shiny teeth by polishing. For this purpose, the dentist utilises a high powered toothbrush and gritty toothpaste to clean their teeth. While this polish removes stains from your teeth, it also prevents plaque from rebuilding in between cleanings.
- Professional flossing
Flossing includes the dental practitioner cleaning in between your child’s teeth with dental floss. This process is highly effective in cleaning even the most troublesome and difficult-to-reach spots in your mouth. Any spots or leftover plaque during polishing can be easily removed with professional flossing.
- Treating with fluoride
The function of fluoride is to make your child’s enamel strong and also protect them against decay. For this, the practitioner may fill a tray with foam or fluoride gel and then ask your kid to bite it down for up to 1 minute. After this process, the dentist will completely rinse your child’s mouth.
Fluoride can also be applied on your teeth with the help of a brush. In this case, the dentist paints fluoride in the form of a varnish on your teeth. The fluoride gets hardened on contact with your teeth, and there are no risks of your child swallowing it.
What is the right time to take your child to the dentist?
New parenthood might put you in a situation where you could be confused about when is the right time to get a dental cleaning for your child. Once you observe a tooth coming out in your child’s mouth, take him/her to the dentist immediately; no matter how many teeth have appeared.
The earlier you will take your child to the dentist, the better it will be for his/her oral health in the future. This is because routine dental visits allow the dentist to detect tooth decays or other dental deformities at an early stage; thereby resisting their chances of getting worse. In fact, routine trips to the dentist also educate you on proper dental care of your child.
Tips to Ease Your Child’s nerves before a Dental Visit
It is quite likely that your child will get nervous and anxious before visiting the paediatric dentist for the first time. It is your duty as a parent to empower your child and make him/her feel confident during a dental visit. Here are some tips you can follow to calm down your child and prepare him/her for the dental visit:
Hold a mock visit: Before presenting your child at the dental clinic, you can prepare them by arranging a mock visit. For example, you can pretend a dental cleaning at home with a mirror and a toothbrush. This mimicry can make your child easier and more comfortable at the dental clinic and get over their fear.
Do not over explain: Always try to give simple answers when your child asks questions about dental appointment. Remember that detailed explanations can make them more confused and frightened regarding the dental visit. Providing them an outline of what they can expect at the appointment is the best way to make them ready. You must also avoid discussing any such topic triggers there fear; like bad experiences, dental tools etc.
Hold your child: If your child is still anxious at the clinic, seek permission from the doctor to hold your child during the dental appointment. This would help manage their anxiety and feel comfortable in parents’ arms.
Do’s and Don’ts for Your Child’s Dental Care
For good oral hygiene for your child, you can follow the instructions below:
- Make your child brush at least twice a day and use children’s fluoride toothpaste id they are under 8 years old.
- Make sure to floss your child’s teeth once or twice a day to dislodge any kind of debris, plaque or food particle stuck in between your teeth.
- Give your child a balanced diet full of green vegetables, fresh fruits, proteins and whole grains. Avoid unhealthy sugary items, fast foods and drinks to prevent tooth decays.
- Schedule routine dental check-ups and professional cleanings to safeguard your child’s oral health.
- Also make sure your child uses a mouth guard if he/she is involved in any kind of contact sports.
Here are some things to avoid for protecting the oral health of your child:
- Do not allow your child have juice or milk before going to bed as it may lead to tooth decay.
- Avoid giving sugary snacks to your child between meals as these increase the risks of tooth decay.
- Ensure your child does not get into the habit of chewing on hard objects like pens or ice as these may lead to tooth damage.
- Strictly avoid using tobacco products around your child as these make place for dental complications and gum disease.
- Do not skip dental check-ups as these are crucial for identifying your dental issues early.
Final Outlook
You can easily prepare your child for undergoing professional dental cleaning with the tips discussed above. If you are looking for children’s dental cleaning, contact MD.co.uk today to get the best dental services for your child.