Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Warning Signs and Solutions

    Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem that can lead to bone and muscle problems.

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    Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem that can lead to bone and muscle problems. It mostly occurs in people over 65 years of age. Fortunately, it is completely treatable and preventable along with its associated complications.

    What is vitamin D deficiency?

    Vitamin D deficiency refers to a lack of vitamin D in the body, which can cause adverse effect on muscles and bones. This vitamin has a major role to play in the development of normal healthy bones and maintenance of the skeletal system. It is also partially responsible for maintaining a proper immune system and nervous system.

    Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Warning Signs and Solutions

    What is the significance of vitamin D?

    Vitamin D is an essential vitamin you need to be healthy. It is responsible for maintaining the calcium balance in the blood and building and maintaining bones.

    However, low levels of Vitamin D can cause poor absorption of phosphorous and calcium into the body. It may lead to hypocalcaemia. (lower levels of calcium in the blood). If left untreated it can lead to hyperparathyroidism and an overactive parathyroid gland.

    If this occurs, you will need medical attention. If left untreated, you may begin to suffer with symptoms such as depression, fatigue, cramps and muscle weakness. In order to top up the level of calcium in blood the body starts extracting calcium from the bones resulting in bone demineralisation.

    When this happens, you may develop osteomalacia (soft bones) and rickets in adults and children respectively. Both osteoporosis and osteomalacia heighten the chance of bone fractures as the bones become fragile. Demineralisation causes bent or bowed bones in children because their skeletal system is still under development.

    Who is more prone to vitamin D deficiency?

    Health problems, environmental factors and age contribute to the lack of vitamin D. Some causes are

    • Age- Age will degrade the ability of the skin to produce vitamin D and therefore after the age of 65 every person becomes more prone to vitamin D deficiency.
    • Skin colour- People with dark complexion find it extremely challenging to make vitamin D from the sunlight as the skin contains a high melanin content.
    • Mobility- People who like to stay at home (also work indoors) and don’t go outside often can suffer from vitamin D deficiency because of inadequate sun exposure.

    How common is vitamin D deficiency?

    Vitamin D deficiency is quite common across the globe including the UK. Approximately 50% of the total population suffer from vitamin D deficiency to some degree.

    What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

    If your vitamin D level is extremely low then you may suffer from rickets and its symptoms are:

    • Joint deformities

    • Bone pain

    • Muscle weakness

    • Compromised patterns of growth because of bent or bowed bones

    Children with slight vitamin D deficiency will experience sore, weak and painful muscles. Adults, on the other hand will experience:

    • Frequent mood changes such as depression

    • Muscle cramps, muscle aches and muscle weakness

    • Bone pain

    • Fatigue

    It is also possible not to show up any symptoms of vitamin D deficiency at all.

    What are the causes of vitamin D deficiency?

    The prime 2 causes for vitamin D deficiency are:

    • The body fails to make ample vitamin D through sunlight

    • The body cannot absorb the vitamin D from the food

    Other causes for vitamin D deficiency include:

    • Specific medications

    • Weight-loss surgeries

    • Specific health conditions

    How weight-loss surgery associates with vitamin D deficiency?

    When you undergo weight loss surgery it will bypass part of the small intestine or reduce the size of the stomach. As a result, the body finds it tough to absorb enough nutrients along with vitamins and minerals for maintaining optimum health.

    Therefore, those who have had weight-loss surgery need to visit the doctor regularly to keep the vitamin D level in check. Accordingly, doctor will decide if you need to take vitamin D supplement throughout the life.

    Which health conditions can lead to vitamin D deficiency?

    • Cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease and coeliac disease- These will stop the intestine from being able to absorb vitamin D properly from food and supplements.
    • Obesity- If the BMI is above 30 then there is a high risk of low vitamin D. Fat cells will isolate the vitamin D so that it cannot be released into the blood. So, obese people need high dose of vitamin D supplements to maintain a normal range.
    • Kidney and liver disease- Liver and kidney disease reduces the number of specific enzymes like 1-alpha-hydroxylase from your kidneys and hepatic enzyme 25–hydroxylase from liver. These are responsible for converting vitamin D into a usable form for the body.

    Which medications result in vitamin D deficiency?

    • Orlistat (a weight-loss drug)

    • Rifampin (a tuberculosis drug)

    • Seizure-preventing drugs (such as phenobarbital and phenytoin)

    • Cholesterol-lowering drugs (such as cholestyramine and colestipol)

    • Steroids (such as prednisone)

    • Laxatives

    How to treat vitamin D deficiency

    The aim of both prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency is the same. You may start by having foods rich in vitamin D and your doctor may suggest vitamin D supplements.

    Vitamin D is available in 2 types- D3 and D2. You can obtain D3 (cholecalciferol) from animal products whereas D2 (ergocalciferol) can be extracted from plants .

    You can buy vitamin D3 over the counter. But you must have a prescription to obtain vitamin D2. The human body absorbs D3 more easily than D2.

    What can we do to prevent vitamin D deficiency?

    Make sure that you are having plenty of sun exposure. You can maintain good levels of vitamin D through proper diet. Always wear sun screen when out in the sunshine.

    Here are some foods you can include in your daily meal to increase vitamin D in the body:

    • Cod liver oil

    • Egg yolks

    • Mushrooms

    • Beef (cow) liver

    • Rainbow trout

    • Fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, tuna and salmon

    Based on the level of your vitamin D, the healthcare provider may prescribe multivitamins or vitamin D supplements.

    When to visit the doctor

    If you suspect that you may have a Vitamin D deficiency, then book a consultation with a doctor. Based on the symptoms you experience, the doctor may recommend you to take a vitamin D test.

    You can rely on MD.co.uk to find the best clinic for blood tests in London. The GP consultation followed by the test will provide accurate diagnosis, effective treatment and necessary advice to maintain the normal level.


    MD.co.uk offers instant access to private GP appointments, consultations, and a wide range of medical services in London. Enjoy same-day care without leaving your NHS GP practice.


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