Vaginal Irritation Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    Vaginal Irritation Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    Vaginal irritation refers to a sensation of heightened sensitivity or itching within the areas of the vagina. In nearly all instances, this discomfort is not a significant issue or problem and may resolve on its own. However, in some cases, it could indicate an underlying infection or medical condition requiring attention.

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    Vaginal irritation types

    The vagina is a muscular canal extending from the cervix to the labia, the folds of skin surrounding the vaginal opening. Itching or irritation may occur anywhere along the vaginal canal or at the external opening. Such discomfort is quite regular in females and typically subsides without the need for treatment or medication. The various types of vaginal irritations include:

    Vaginal burning

    Burning sensations in the vaginal area can vary in intensity and duration. If caused by external irritants such as tampons, douches, or latex condoms, the discomfort typically resolves once these are avoided. However, if the cause is an infection, such as thrush, the burning may worsen without appropriate treatment.

    Redness and burning of the vulva

    Occasionally, redness and burning around the vulva may occur intermittently or persist due to infections. A condition called vulvodynia, characterised by unexplained vulvar pain, may also cause similar symptoms.

    Itchy vaginal lips

    The labia, part of the vulva (external genitalia), can itch for various reasons. The itching may be occasional or persistent, depending on the underlying cause. Common triggers include irritation from fragranced soaps, feminine hygiene products, or friction from pads or synthetic fabrics. In these instances, the itching usually resolves when the irritant is removed.

    Vaginal itching with discharge

    When itching is accompanied by white discharge, it is often linked to irritants like soap or hygiene products. Discomfort typically subsides once these are avoided. However, persistent itching with worsening discharge or an unpleasant odour may suggest an infection.

    Itchy cervix

    An itching sensation near the top of the vaginal canal, close to the cervix, may be due to inflammation, a condition known as cervicitis.

    When to seek medical advice

    Consult a healthcare provider if:

    • You suspect an STI or have recently had sexual contact with a new partner.
    • There is a noticeable change in vaginal discharge (colour, amount, or odour).
    • Symptoms persist or worsen despite trying home remedies.
    • You are postmenopausal or experiencing symptoms during pregnancy.

    Causes of Vaginal Irritation

    Several factors can contribute to vaginal itching, burning, or irritation:


    • Vaginal candidiasis (Yeast infection): Thrush, caused by an overgrowth of candida, often results in itching, irritation, and thick, white discharge. Factors such as antibiotics, pregnancy, and a weakened immune system can increase susceptibility.
    • Bacterial vaginosis: This condition occurs when an imbalance in vaginal bacteria leads to infection. Symptoms include burning, inflammation, discharge, and a fishy odour.
    • STIs (Sexually transmitted infections): Conditions such as chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, and trichomoniasis may cause itching and irritation.

    Other causes include:

    • Radiation therapies: Treatment targeting the area of the pelvis may lead to irritation of the vulva or vagina irritation.
    • Menopause: Declining oestrogen levels during menopause or breastfeeding can lead to vaginal dryness and thinning of the walls of the vagina, which causes irritation.
    • Lichen sclerosus: This condition is rare and results in thin, white patches of skin, particularly in the vulva region, which can cause scarring.
    • Chemical irritants: Fragranced soaps, detergents, douches, and condoms can trigger irritation.

    Vaginal irritation after shaving

    The skin around the vulva, including the vaginal opening sensitivity is high. If you choose to shave the area, it can cause itching as a result of irritation. If the skin is no longer itchy, the irritation typically subsides.

    Night-time vulva Itching

    Itching may feel worse at night due to physiological changes, such as moisture loss, decreased core temperature of the body, and increased blood flow to the skin. Additionally, reduced distractions at night may heighten the awareness of discomfort.

    Vaginal irritation during pregnancy or after periods

    Hormonal changes during and after menstruation or pregnancy can contribute to vaginal itching or irritation. In pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations may also affect the vaginal walls, causing discomfort.

    Vaginal itching linked to STIs

    Formerly referred to as sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted infections cause itching in the vagina. Trichomoniasis is the sexually transmitted infection most commonly associated with itching of the vagina, while other infections like to cause more pain than itching.

    Vaginal itching and irritation from soap

    Contact dermatitis can develop in the vulva region, and the labia near the vaginal opening are also included. Personal care products or certain soaps often trigger itching and irritation in these areas.

    Treatment for vaginal irritation

    In many cases, the irritation in the vagina resolves on its own. However, persistent or chronic symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Treatment depends on the underlying cause:

    • Menopause-related symptoms: Vaginal moisturisers, tablets or oestrogen creams may provide relief.
    • Lichen sclerosus: Prescription-strength steroid creams can help reduce inflammation.
    • Sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis: Antibiotics are prescribed.
    • Thrush: Suppositories, oral medications or antifungal creams are used.
    • Trichomoniasis: Treated with antiparasitic medication.

    Home remedies for vaginal irritation

    Before trying any home remedies, consider these practical tips:

    • For vulvar itching, a warm bath with 4-5 tablespoons of baking soda can provide relief. However, remedies such as coconut oil or apple cider vinegar lack substantial evidence to support their effectiveness.
    • Use unscented, plain soaps to clean the external genital area no more than once daily.
    • Avoid tight clothing and wet bathing suits.
    • Opt for cotton underwear and change it daily.
    • Refrain from scratching the area, as it may worsen irritation.
    • Avoid scented products such as pads, soaps, or toilet paper.

    Take Action Today

    Don't ignore persistent vaginal discomfort. Whether it's itching, burning, or unusual discharge, professional advice can help identify and address the underlying cause. For further information or to book an appointment, contact us today.


    What is the best cream for itching in the genital area?

    Always consult a doctor before applying any cream. Sometimes, a low-dose corticosteroid cream may be recommended for external irritation. Prescription-strength treatments may be required for conditions like lichen sclerosus.

    What are the symptoms of vaginitis?

    Symptoms include increased or altered vaginal discharge, sometimes light spotting, irritation, itching, and painful urination.

    Can sperm cause irritation in the vagina?

    Though rare, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to sperm, leading to itching or irritation.

    How can I relieve vaginal itching?

    Identifying the cause is key. Consider whether you've recently used scented products, stayed in damp clothing, or shaved the area. Removing the irritant or consulting a healthcare professional for a suitable treatment can help.

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    The content provided on regarding various medical conditions and their respective treatments is intended for informational purposes only. It does not cover the full spectrum of health conditions or the array of treatment options that may be available. This information should not be considered a substitute for professional consultations with qualified healthcare professionals, including general practitioners and specialists. Accessing and using does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. We strongly encourage you to seek personalised medical advice from a healthcare professional before making any decisions based on the information found on our website. Your health and well-being are paramount, and professional guidance is crucial for effective health management.

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