Dental Crowns in London

    Dental Crowns in London

    Tooth damage is one of the most annoying dental situations you can face. It can happen due to a number of reasons including dental trauma and tooth decay. Dental crowns in London can strengthen the weaker parts of the tooth so that the teeth remain intact while preventing it from further fracture and split.

    We at can put you in touch with our partner dental practices in London where you can get ceramic crowns mimicking natural looking teeth. A crown is often used to enhance the appearance of a damaged or fractured tooth.

    Who are the right candidates for dental crowns in London?

    Dental crowns are a perfect solution to different dental problems, including:

    • Dramatic improvement of tooth discolouration
    • Restoring the aesthetics and function of severely worn-out tooth
    • Repairing the root-treated tooth properly
    • Fixing the strength, appearance and shape of heavy filled tooth
    • Restoring fractured tooth
    • Reversing the so-called cracked tooth syndrome and preventing the internal cracks propagation

    What are the different kinds of crown available?

    A number of dental crowns types are available in London. The varieties include:

    • Temporary crowns -This is quite common in dentistry for fixing the teeth after preparation for bridges, partial crowns, onlays, inlays and veneers . Mostly, it is made up of all-resin composite.
    • Metal-ceramic crowns or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns -This crown is made of porcelain veneers in metal framework to make it highly durable and are the standard crown placed in the field of dentistry.
    • Solid crowns made from metal -Sometimes in rare cases especially for front teeth, a non-noble alloy version or golden crown is available Commonly called a stainless-steel crown.
    • Post crowns, anchored to the tooth using a pin -Although it is now almost gone from the dentistry,in extremely rare cases, this crown is provided mostly after root canal treatment.
    • Partial crowns, covering only a small portion of the tooth -When you need to replace some part of existing metal-free or full ceramic crown, dentists in London will provide you this. But it doesn’t replace the full visible or clinical crown.
    • Porcelain crowns -This term is synonymous to all-ceramic crowns that are free from metals.
    • Implant crowns -Implant crowns need to place on titanium screw that will be infused in the jawbone beforehand.
    • Ceramic crowns -Ceramic crowns are similar to that of porcelain crowns serving as dental bridges.
    • Telescopic crowns -Full ceramic, non-noble alloy or gold crowns that will be inserted under the removable telescopic denture.

    What will happen during dental crown appointment in London?

    During the initial consultation with a dentist near you in London, your dental assessment will be conducted to determine if you are suitable for dental crown treatment. Then the dentist will start preparing the natural tooth so that crown fits snugly.

    Dentist will take a digital impression of your tooth and send it to the dental technician at our collaborated UK accredited lab. They will ensure that the colour of crown perfectly blends with the shade of your natural teeth ensuring optimal aesthetics and functionality.

    In the meantime, you will be provided with temporary crown for the affected tooth. Once the ceramic crown gets ready, our dentists at the partner dental clinics in London will clean the affected tooth to place the crown seamlessly using adhesive dental cement.

    In the end, the patients will be advised to keep coming back for regular dental checkups to ensure the stability of crowns along with optimum oral health in the long run.

    Which material do our partner dental clinics use for dental crowns in London?

    Our partner dental clinics in London provide all-porcelain or full ceramic crowns ensuring the highest quality standard in terms of form, shape, texture, colour and functional ability. You can also find other types of crowns available including solid crowns made from metal, metal-ceramic crowns, temporary crowns, implant, porcelain, ceramic, post crown (anchored with tooth pin), partial and telescopic.

    Is repaire possible for a cracked dental crown?

    Cracks in dental crowns make it unstable, exposing the remaining healthy tooth to plaque and bacteria that can cause dental cavity. If you ever experience such a situation, visit the dentist near you immediately to repair or replace the cracked one with a new crown.

    What is meant by dental crown lengthening?

    If you develop severe gummy smile, dentist will prefer carrying out a surgery called dental crown lengthening. It will let the teeth show more than gum line and often done for cosmetic purposes only. Visit a dentist in London at one of our partner dental clinics to evaluate if you need this surgery or not for your dental issues.

    Do you need dental crown?

    You may need dental a crown if recommended by the dentist for your dental problems. For instance, root canal treatment needs a temporary crown after the first treatment. The dentists at our partner dental practices in London prioritise saving the teeth and dental crowns. The professional dentists will not only fit the crown snugly but also camouflage the look, whilst replicating the feel and functionality of natural teeth. You can regain your lost confidence to smile again with dental crown treatment from top-rated dentists in London .

    What is the lifespan of a dental crown?

    Once fitted into place, dental crowns usually last for more than 20 years. No matter if you have them for veneers or dentures. Proper care and maintenance are something you cannot skip. Practice a regular oral care and hygiene regimen with regular dental checkups with a dentist near you in London. Regular professional teeth cleaning from hygienist , brushing and flossing will make sure that you are making most of the crowns.


    Consult with the top dentists in London for dental crowns today

    If you are in need of minor dental care or any major dental surgery, our dental professionals and top-rated teams at partner dental practices in London are there to give you a beautiful and restored smile. Arrange a consultation appointment now!

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