Breast Screening

    Private Breast Screening in London

    Ensure good health for your breasts

    Breast screening is useful for detecting potential conditions when you notice any abnormalities or unusual signs in the breast. With the help of breast screening, your GP can identify cancer and other underlying conditions in their initial stages, ensuring the treatment is as effective and successful as possible. can put you in touch with the best private breast screening centres in London.

    Most of the clinics we refer to offer comprehensive breast examination services, along with testing and follow-up consultations with GPs. They can take effective action, taking into account your condition, medical history, symptoms, and other factors.

    Symptoms that may indicate breast cancer include:

    Here are some of the common tests carried out during a health screening:

    • A lump or swelling in the breast, collarbones, or around the armpits
    • An unusual shape, size, or appearance of the breasts
    • A red rash on the nipples or skin of the breast
    • Dense breast tissues in certain areas
    • Noticeable changes in skin surface texture (dimpling, unevenness, or puckering)
    • Abnormal discharge from the nipples

    These may or may not occur due to cancer, but it is a good idea to pay attention and get tested at a breast screening clinic in the city.

    Why do you need regular breast screening?

    Breast screening is essential to perform once every three years because:

    • Cancer in the initial stage cannot be felt or noticed.
    • Early intervention and treatment of cancer , if detected, increase the likelihood of survival.

    What are the breast screening options available?


    This common breast screening method involves the use of low-energy X-rays by the radiographer to detect cancerous and abnormal cells in the breasts.


    In this procedure, the radiologist uses a small handheld probe emitting high-frequency sound waves to obtain images of the internal breast tissues. These are then analysed to detect any abnormalities in the breast tissues. It is often recommended alongside mammograms for additional detail and information regarding breast health.

    What can you expect from your breast screening appointment?

    When you visit a private clinic for your breast screening, the doctor will perform a thorough breast examination to look for noticeable changes in the tissues, such as thickening or lumps. You will then undergo diagnostic tests like mammograms and ultrasounds to obtain images of the breasts for effective diagnosis.

    If necessary, you may need to undergo a biopsy, where a small sample of breast tissue will be extracted for analysis under a microscope. Sometimes, you may need to undergo a triple assessment for a definitive diagnosis. However, not all those referred for breast screening will need a biopsy or an X-ray; it depends on the physical symptoms you have developed.

    How breast screening helps to diagnose breast cancer

    Regular breast screening helps maintain breast health by detecting vital changes. It identifies potential changes in the nipples, lumps under the armpit, asymmetry, breast pain, and nipple discharge. Your GP will refer you to a cancer specialist for diagnosis using biopsy, MRI, and mammography. Early detection often leads to successful treatment, with higher survival rates for early-stage breast cancer.

    Depending on the stage, you may require immediate treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery, and targeted treatments. You will be referred to specialists for the treatment of advanced stages of cancer, such as radiotherapy and immunotherapy. If necessary, you can access all types of breast reconstruction, including DIEP flaps, implant-based reconstruction, and microvascular surgery.

    Breast screening in London and its benefits

    Regular breast screening ensures proper breast health. The advantages of regular screening include:

    • Non-invasive procedures (no use of injections or needles)
    • Easily accessible and affordable methods for checking breast health
    • Safe methods without the use of ionising radiation
    • Clear images of soft tissues that are not easily visible on X-ray
    • Real-time imaging for fluid aspiration and biopsies
    • Easy detection of lesions in dense breasts
    • Identification of breast lesions that cannot be detected by mammography
    • Detection of clinical concerns and benign cysts, even in the presence of fat lobules or normal tissues

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    The content provided on regarding various medical conditions and their respective treatments is intended for informational purposes only. It does not cover the full spectrum of health conditions or the array of treatment options that may be available. This information should not be considered a substitute for professional consultations with qualified healthcare professionals, including general practitioners and specialists. Accessing and using does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. We strongly encourage you to seek personalised medical advice from a healthcare professional before making any decisions based on the information found on our website. Your health and well-being are paramount, and professional guidance is crucial for effective health management.

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