Abdominal Pain, Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    Abdominal Pain, Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    Abdominal pain refers to any discomfort anywhere in the abdomen region, from ribs to the pelvis. People think of abdominal pain as “stomach pain” or “stomach ache”, while this kind of pain can come from other organs, as well.

    Other vital organs are located in the abdomen, like pancreas, gallbladder, liver and small and large intestine. The abdominal wall, which consists of the skin and muscles that form up the abdomen’s external structure, can also cause pain and discomfort. Also, the pain can be caused by back, chest, or pelvic.

    Generally, abdominal pain varies in nature and may indicate different conditions.

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    Types of Abdominal Pain

    • Generalised pain: Discomfort affecting over half of the abdomen is known as generalised pain. It is often linked to indigestion, gas, or a stomach illness. If the pain intensifies, it may indicate an intestinal blockage.
    • Localised pain: When discomfort is confined to a specific area, it is referred to as localised pain. This often signals a problem with an organ like the stomach, gallbladder, or appendix.
    • Cramping pain: Cramp-like discomfort is usually mild and is caused by bloating or gas. However, if the pain becomes frequent, lasts beyond 24 hours, or occurs with a fever, it may require medical attention.
    • Colicky pain: Pain occurring in sudden, intense waves is referred to as colicky pain. It is often severe and begins and ends suddenly. Kidney stones or gallstones are common causes of this type of abdominal pain.


    Abdominal pain can present in various ways, including:

    • Mild or intense
    • Burning or aching
    • Dull or sharp
    • Crampy or colicky
    • Constant or intermittent
    • Localised (in one area) or generalised (spread across the abdomen)

    In the long run, abdominal pain is a personal symptom that one can only describe. Because it cannot be measured, your description is very important. Healthcare providers take all reports of abdominal pain with seriousness.


    Most abdominal pain cases are temporary and less severe, often related to digestion, menstruation, or minor infections. Some common causes include:

    Digestive problems:

    Discomfort after eating may result from:

    • Gas and bloating
    • Indigestion
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhoea
    • Food poisoning
    • Food allergies or intolerances


    Infections or irritation in the organs can lead to temporary inflammation including:

    • Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis)
    • Peptic ulcers
    • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
    • Chronic acid reflux (GERD)

    Female reproductive cycle:

    For individuals with a uterus, occasional pain may stem from:

    • Menstrual cramps
    • Ovulation discomfort

    Serious Abdominal Pain Causes

    In some cases, abdominal pain signals a more serious medical disorder requiring treatment. The affected area may indicate the involved organs.

    Right upper quadrant:

    This area contains the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, right kidney, and parts of the intestines. Pain here may indicate:

    • Liver or gallbladder conditions: Hepatitis, gallstones, cholecystitis, gallbladder cancer, bile duct cancer, liver cancer
    • Digestive issues: Duodenal ulcers, large bowel obstruction
    • Kidney problems: Kidney infections, kidney stones

    Left upper quadrant:

    This region includes the stomach, pancreas, left kidney, and spleen and is near the heart and left lung. Pain here may be due to:

    • Digestive conditions: Gastritis, stomach ulcers, bile reflux, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer
    • Kidney issues: Kidney infections, kidney stones
    • Referred pain from the chest: Heartburn, heart attack, angina, pleurisy, pericarditis, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism

    Lower abdomen:

    This area houses most of the small and large intestines, along with the ureters, ovaries, and uterus. Possible causes of pain here include:

    • Gastrointestinal disorders: IBS, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis), bowel obstruction, colon cancer, hernias, mesenteric ischemia
    • Kidney-related pain: Kidney stones
    • Gynaecological conditions: Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian or uterine cancer

    Left lower quadrant:

    Pain here is often due to diverticulosis or diverticulitis, which involves small pouches forming in the colon, typically in the lower left section.

    Right lower quadrant:

    Pain in this region may be related to the appendix, such as appendicitis or, in rare cases, appendix cancer.

    Generalised abdominal pain:

    Some causes of widespread stomach pain include:

    • Stress-related pain (psychosomatic pain)
    • Visceral hypersensitivity
    • Traumatic injuries
    • Abdominal bloating
    • Abdominal muscle strain
    • Shingles


    Since there are numerous potential causes of abdominal pain, your explanation of the pain, combined with a clinical examination, helps your doctor identify the most likely cause.

    In some cases, the diagnosis is straightforward, and it requires no additional tests. However, when more evaluation is needed, diagnostic tests are:

    • Urine tests
    • Blood tests
    • Stool analysis
    • Imaging scans (ultrasound, CT scan)
    • Endoscopic procedures (gastroscopy, colonoscopy)

    Treatment and Management

    Abdominal pain can arise from different causes, each requiring different treatments. Certain conditions, like gallstones or appendicitis, may need surgery, while others, like ulcers or infections, may be treatable by medication. In cases of stomach flu or kidney stones, you may need to wait for the condition to resolve on its own.

    If the cause of your abdominal pain is unclear, it’s important to seek medical evaluation, especially if the pain persists. Even mild discomfort could indicate a serious issue. However, if you suspect your pain is linked to digestion, you can start with these self-care methods:

    • Bowel resting: Stick to easily digestible options like crackers or bananas.
    • Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water or electrolyte solutions.
    • Heat therapy: Use a warm water bottle or take a warm bath to ease discomfort.
    • Home remedies: Consider ginger for indigestion, licorice for gas, or peppermint to relax intestinal muscles.


    Since there are many different reasons of abdominal pain, everyone has experienced it at some point. Common problems including the flu, food poisoning, menstrual pains, gas, and indigestion are frequently simple to diagnose. Abdominal discomfort, however, may indicate a more serious or unexpected problem in some situations, while in other cases, it may be less evident.

    Abdominal discomfort is taken seriously by medical professionals, particularly when the reason is unknown. A correct diagnosis can bring relief from many common diseases, which are simply treated. Even with little discomfort, it's crucial to see a doctor if it continues, recurs, or becomes worse over time.

    For more information or to address any concerns, book an appointment with us today.

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